Queen MEn Who Want it All Group Coaching!


For the queer man ready to have it all.

Welcome to a group coaching program designed to help you get it all faster

By teaching you the skills and know-how needed to unlock your next level of pleasure-filled living and how to quit getting in your own way.

It’s time to stop pretending you’re satisfied feeling half content with your life, your relationships, or your job, and wake the fuck up to realizing you can have it all - if you’re willing to take ownership of your reality and design a life you actually want to live!

Early Bird Discount Ends February 8th! Secure your spot now below to receive $400 off mastermind cost ($100 a month!)

Let’s be real: as queer people we’ve all got some healing to do.

But eventually the support that therapy and self-help books offer stops shy of you creating a delicious life filled with relationships you actually want to stay in, a professional life that fulfills you, and holistic wellness that sets you up for any adventure you crave.

Awareness alone can only take you so far. Action is needed for a life that turns you on - and gets you off.

And that’s where coaching and community for accountability comes in.

If you find yourself having already made progress on your healing journey but yearning for more tangible progress towards your actual goals, this group is for you.

What Clients are saying: “Working with Craig these last 10 months has been like 20 years of therapy! He’s provided a safe space for me to be vulnerable and explore the issues holding me back. Craig is kind, warm, charming, fun, and wise beyond his years… and is fully invested in my well-being.“ Kevin N. Vice President.

What’s inside the Mastermind

Your experience will include 12 weeks of coaching for your subconscious, tools to rewire your nervous system for success, and some real talk about how to get what you want in life and your relationships by tapping into your own inner expertise.

Expect to be surrounded by similarly minded men who are ready to dig deeper and truly be at cause for the life they want to create all whilst healing the blocks holding them back.

Specifically we’ll spend 12, 90 minute calls spread across 4 months (3 calls a month) covering the following topics:

Self-sabotage, relationships and sex, boundary setting, creating financial abundance, nourishing authenticity and confidence, conflict transformation, healing attachment woulds, and the self-coaching tools i give my clients to help them overcome any roadblock that gets in their way.

What Clients are saying: “Working with Craig has been nothing less than a delight… Being an immigrant single mom of two and a food entrepreneur in NYC, brought me enough challenges and hardships.Through his sassy and grounded approach, I learned how to see my challenges as opportunities and exercise my personal power. Week by week rocks on the way converted into beautiful adventures and growth. His teachings on purpose and allignment were deeply transformative and helped me nurture my passion projects with vitality and express myself with more impact in my professional and personal world.“ ~ Mariana, Food Entrepreneur and Public Speaker

Who is the mastermind for?

This mastermind is for you if you’re:

  • Ready to take new action to change your life

  • Want to be supported and held accountable by men who get what you’re going through

  • Are committed to creating your own flavor of success that actually fulfills and nourishes you!

  • Have already done some healing work but want to take it deeper and actually get tangible results.

  • Are ready to say no to self-sabotage getting in the way of your happiness, your relationships, and the life of your dreams.

This mastermind is not for you if:

  • You’re not committed to taking action

  • Want to continue staying stuck or stagnant.

  • Are unwilling to let others suppot you in overcoming your roadblocks.

Interested in saying yes to your best self yet? Apply below!

Dates and Times:

Tuesdays at 6:00-7:30 EST.

February 14th, 21st, 28th.

March 6th, 13th, and 20th (March 28th is on off week)

April 4th, 11th, and 18th. (April 25th is an off week)

May 2nd, 9th, 16th.

Interested in joining?

Please fill out the interest form below and note, submitted interest forms will be followed by a brief zoom call so you can get any of your questions answered and to see if you’re a good fit for the program.

Your interest forms are used to place participants in masterminds surrounded by others on similar or complementary journeys to ensure you get the most value out of your cohort.

Early Bird Discount Ends February 8th! Secure your spot now to receive $400 off mastermind cost ($100 a month!)